Marija’s Anime Fandom Analysis: Shipping Names Marija·November 6, 2013 Shipping, in contexts, is a couple but it’s also not an official couple. It’s only “official” when the...Anime Dictionary·0 Comments·0
Marija’s Anime Fandom Analysis: Anime inspired by JRPGs Marija·November 5, 2013 Most of the anime fandom tends to like videos. Out of all the video game genres most of...Anime Dictionary·0 Comments·0
Winter 2013/2014 Anime Lineup Holly·October 31, 2013PLEASE CLICK FOR FULL SIZE IMAGE...Featured·0 Comments·0
Aki Con 2013 Photographs Holly·October 27, 2013If you would like to share or upload these images to another site, please credit Want to...Cons·0 Comments·0
Marija’s Anime Fandom Analysis: Does Anime Need To Be Saved? Marija·October 14, 2013 Since I was a little girl I’ve always watched anime. It’s been a part of my life for...Anime Reviews·1 Comment·0
Cosplayer Interview: Fantasy Ninja Handy Anime Andy·October 4, 2013(Preview picture by Hooded Woman Cosplay) Fantasy Ninja has a wide array of character she has cosplay. Her...Cosplayer InterviewsExtras·0 Comments·0
Marija’s Con Adventures: AWA’s One Piece: Strong World Movie Premiere Marija·October 4, 2013 Last weekend I attended Anime Weekend in Atlanta also known as AWA for short. At AWA, Funimation...Anime Reviews·0 Comments·0
GentlemanOtoku Explains: Everyman Heroes GentlemanOtoku·September 26, 2013Definition: The protagonist of a Shonen story who emotionally well-balance, ethically sound, and mentally strong. Noted for having...Anime Dictionary·0 Comments·0
Cosplayer Interview: Melizenn Cosplay Handy Anime Andy·September 26, 2013Melizenn Cosplay caught my eye for her excellent Maria Kurenai Cosplay from the Vampire Knights anime. She is...Cosplayer InterviewsExtrasFeatured·0 Comments·0
Marija’s Anime Fandom Analysis: Shipping Vs Canon Marija·September 24, 2013 In fandoms there is always shipping and then there is also canons. When it comes to things...Anime DictionaryExtrasReviews·0 Comments·0