Cosplay Shirts Now Available! Holly·December 15, 2015Kevin and I have been working towards creating cosplay/cosplay related shirts for a few years now. We finally...News·0 Comments·0
How we Travel for Cheaper Holly·November 19, 2015Just wanted to talk about how we attempt to (and most of the time successfully) travel for a...Extras·0 Comments·0
Elite Cosplay Podcast Episode 36 Holly·September 30, 2015In this episode we talk about new wigs at Arda, our favorite cons and moooooore. Featured in this...Podcast·0 Comments·0
Elite Cosplay Podcast Episode 29 Holly·August 10, 2015In this episode of the podcast…we’re outside! In a different city! We talk about an awkward lotion incident,...Podcast·0 Comments·0
Elite Cosplay Podcast Episode 27 Kevin Louie·July 28, 2015We finally got it uploaded!!! After filming the podcast 2.5 times, it is now available for your viewing...Podcast·0 Comments·1
Anime Expo Day 2 2015 Photographs Holly·July 16, 2015Be sure to check out our Facebook for more updates! (Press ESC to leave album) [Show as slideshow]...Featured·0 Comments·0
Elite Cosplay Podcast Episode 24 Holly·July 6, 2015In this episode we are at Anime Expo 2015! We talk about our time so far and some...Podcast·0 Comments·0
Elite Cosplay Podcast Episode 20 Holly·June 8, 2015In this episode of the podcast, we talk about streaming on Twitch, Fall Out 4, prop scam, lemonade...Podcast·0 Comments·0
Elite Cosplay Podcast Episode 19 Holly·June 1, 2015We’re back in Seattle! We talk about a cosplay accessory, Reddit, and other shaboobles! Featured in this podcast:...Podcast·0 Comments·0
Anime Expo 2015 Photo Shoots Available Holly·May 26, 2015Anime Expo shoots are now full. If you would like to be put on the wait list. Please...Featured·0 Comments·0