At this years Anime Los Angeles, an amazing cosplayer named Camille cosplayed as Toothiana from Rise of the Guardians. We had the good fortune of being able to snag her and take a few photographs. For those of you that aren’t familiar with Toothiana, she is completely covered in feathers. I’ve seen many cosplayers attempt to figure out how to make her. Feathers are expensive and attempting to attach them all to a body suit is down right intimidating. When I saw Camille’s interpretation, I was impressed. The fabric she used looked so freakin’ awesome, I too was curious about how she put it all together.
The headpiece:
It took a while to figure out how to do it, but once I got all the materials it was pretty straight forward! I made the base of the headdress out of craft foam. Its basically a crown with a horizontal band from my left ear to the right. I bought various feathers— Some rooster, goose, and pheasant feathers. Some were sold in singles (like the rooster ones), others in a trim (sold by the foot), and others were attached together in these circle pieces. Afterwards, I just…. hot glued them onto the craft foam. The headdress is super light weight and the craft foam allows it to shape to your head.
The bodysuit:
The fabric I used was a holographic cracked glass blue spandex. I found it in the fabric district in Los Angeles for about $12 a yard. After sewing the body suit together, I got some yellow green glitter spray and … just started spraying it on. That’s about it. The feathers are all separate pieces added on top.
Heres some detail of the fabric that Camille used:
Don’t forget to check out Camille’s Tumblr!!