HO HO HO! And if you don’t celebrate this the xmas holiday, then not believing in a fat man that creeps around little children is probably a good thing. Today we have a cosplayer that has an awesome holiday themed black cat and her ability to change up the standard that we see cosplayed a lot. Enjoy!
Head Over to her Facebook Page Here
Andy: What was the first convention you went to? What was your most memorable moment at that convention?
Shizume Kuro’s Cosplay Closet: My first convention was Animazement in Raleigh Nc in 2010. It was a blast! It was shocking how accepting the cosplay community really was. I have so many memorable moments from that convention, I guess my most memorable would be the human Katamari ball I was sucked into. It was a crowd of about a hundred people linked arms swaying back and forth in front of the convention center. As I walk by someone grabbed my arm and sucked me in, It was hilarious. I never thought I’d escape!
A: When you go to a Convention, whatโs the first thing you go to do? Why?
SKCC: First thing I do is search for friends. Most of my cosplay friends live far away and I’ve made so many through cosplaying, that the only way we can link up is at cons. So I look for them before I even check con scheduling. I like to keep close with the wonderful people I’ve met so far.
A: What was the first Cosplay you saw that inspired you to start cosplaying?
SKCC: When I was little, my mom would buy me X-men comics. I dressed up as Psylocke from a 2000 X-men comic for Halloween when I was thirteen. Turns out I was “cosplaying”, which I didn’t figure out till later that year when I bought my first NewType USA magazine and saw the cosplay section. From then on that was what I wanted to accomplish.

A: Why did you choose to do a X-mas theme Black Cat to cosplay? Black Cat is a girl who uses her sexuality as weapon, what is your thoughts on that?
SKCC: I love Felicia Hardy, I have a thing for catwomen ๐ I wanted to do a festive version of a well known comic character, and with low funding due to having a baby two months ago, Black Cat seemed the route to go since she was on my to do list anyways.
I haven’t really attempted a “sexy” cosplay so I figured she was the best to start with. I think Black Cat using her sexuality as a weapon is kinda smart, she has assets and uses them accordingly to get what she wants. I mean who can’t say no to a pretty lady? ๐
A: In the Spirit of Christmas, what is the best gift you can remember getting as a child?

SKCC: The best gifts I can remember were video games. My mom would hide them so well in the tree that sometimes we would find more as we took the tree down! Video games were a big part in my life, I never really had friends being that I went to a small private school; liking anime, cosplay and such was frowned upon so video games got me through alot. My mom and I bonded alot because of them.
A: You seem to do different comic book characters from different universes, are you a DC or a Marvel girl? Who do you think does females better?
SKCC:ย I love Marvel, always have. I’m just now learning more about the DC universe. Of course, I always loved Catwoman, and had a great knowledge about the Batman series but I never knew the extent of the Green Lantern, Superman, Justice League and such. My favorite women will always be Marvel, including my love of the women of X-men, they have always been my favorite!
A: You use to be a Wrestler, how do you use that when you are on the convention floor or at a photo shoot?
SKCC: Haha, in wrestling I was a heel (a bad guy) so I had to be mean to the crowd, but it backfired and people liked me…I’m really outgoing and even trying to act mean I did it with a smile on my face, so people wanted autographs and hugs after shows instead of hating me. On the convention floor I’m outgoing like always, I love getting hugs and recognition as a character. In photo shoots I’m beginning to try more poses, so knowing what wrestling had taught me I can pull off stunts I probably couldn’t before.
A: What conventions will you be at in 2014?
SKCC: I will definitely be at Animazement, Dragon-con and Aniwave. Im trying to make other local conventions such as Port City Pop Con, X-Con, and NC Comic-con. Other bigger cons im trying to attend wil be Anime Weekend Atlanta, Otakon, and maybe Kastucon.