(Preview picture by Hooded Woman Cosplay)
Fantasy Ninja has a wide array of character she has cosplay. Her female punisher looks like it belongs in a movie!
Check out her facebook here
Check out her Deviantart Page here
Andy: What was your first convention you went to? Who or what drove you to
that convention? What was your favorite moment of that particular
Fantasy Ninja: My first convention was Yasumicon 2004. I wanted to try cosplaying, and it was the closest con to where I lived. It was really awesome, because it was a small convention hosted by Florida International University, so everyone there was welcoming and encouraging! It was the first time I was seeing cosplayers in person, as I had only seen photos online.
Andy: Who are some of the cosplayers you are in awe at? Why?
FN: There are so many cosplayers that I admire!!! We’ll be here forever!! I will just say that my favorites are those who are confident, who bring a good and positive attitude towards the community, those who have raised the bar, and who think outside the box!!
Andy: You have a wide range of cosplays you draw from different medias, do you consider your self “nerdy” about one particular comic book, or movie?
FN: Well…… I have a problem. You see, I like a lot of things, and as a fan I try to immerse myself in all of the things that I love, but I think my biggest fandoms are: Lord Of The Rings, Saint Seiya, Metal Gear Solid, Legend of Dragoon, Spider-Man, and X-Men. I also nerd out over anything involving sparkles, rainbows, and unicorns.

Andy: You did an Aeon Flux in 2005, why did you decide to cosplay as her? Doyou think the movie did the 90’s cartoon justice? Do you see Aeon as a Hero or a Villain? Why?
FN: Aeon Flux was one of the first late night cartoons that I watched. My sister and I used to stay up late to watch Liquid Television on MTV, so I was a fan of hers at a young age. I thought the movie took a lot of great elements from the series, and gave it an interesting story, although I wish it had more of Aeon’s acrobatics and antics. Aeon is an anti-hero, for sure. She may not have had the purpose/drive to do the ‘right thing’, but she always ended up going against the bad guys.
Andy: You have a Female version of Punisher that is very well done. Can you talk about where you started with the concept and how you ended up with the final product? Who would be the best female in the Marvel Universe to turn into the Punisher? Who is cool enough to play a Rule 63 Punisher in a Movie?
FN: My female version of Punisher is actually Lynn Michaels, who was The Punisher’s sidekick. She becomes Lady Punisher, after Frank hangs up his coat. There are a lot of badass Marvel chicks, but I would love to see Black Widow as The Punisher, and I think Lucy Lawless would kick major butt if there was a movie version of Lady Punisher.
(Photo by Rebelliousdante)
Andy: A lot of girls cosplay as Yoko Littner from Gurren Lagen, why do you think this is true? What sets apart your Yoko from other cosplayers interpertations?
FN: I think every girl wants to be a little bit like Yoko. She is beautiful, with a gorgeous design, and for a lot of cosplayers, it’s a sexy character. Personally, I think Yoko is an incredibly likeable character, because she is not only a sexy fighter, but also very sweet and caring. I think I’m a total goofball, so I wanted to embody the character and not the design itself, because she doesn’t take herself seriously and that’s exactly what I wanted to do. Just have fun like she does!
(Photo by Rebelliousdante)
Andy: What Conventions will you be at in 2013?
FN: I can say that I attended Dragon*Con and will be attending Anime Weekend Atlanta, and will announce some wonderful con opportunities I’ve received very soon!!
(Photos by Kungfufish Photos)