Today we have cosplayer Aruba Chan, whose excellent Poison Ivy caught my eye!
Check out her deviantart page here
Andy: What was the first convention you went to? Why did you chose to go to that particular convention? What was your lasting impression of your first convention?
Aruba Chan: My first convention was a comic event in Granada (Spain). I went to that event as it was near my residence city, I had lots of fun and I meet other cosplayers there. I really enjoyed it so I started cosplaying in other events.

Andy: You have a Panty cosplay I love, what anime did you grew up watching? What anime are you watching now?
AC: I grew up watching “Urusei Yatsura”, “Sailormoon”, “Card Captor Sakura” and many other more. Urusei Yatsura always has been my favorite anime, and I also like Lum (Lamu) !
Now I’m watching SAO (Sword art Online) and Shingeki no Kyojin.
I like watching anime but I’d rather play videogames.
Andy: What is it you identify with Panty? What is it you love about Panty and Stocking? How did you choose the materials for Panty?
AC: I think that my body is more similar to Stocking’s but my personality is totally like Panty’s. So I decided to cosplay as Panty, I love the sexy blonde!
This anime is very original and different, when I watch Panty and Stocking, it remembers me the Powerpuff Girls, and one thing I like the best is that this anime is just madness.
The materials are recycled,old fabrics and foam.I had at home.
Andy: You have an amazing Poison Ivy cosplay. Where did you get the inspiration for that costume? Do you feel that Poison Ivy is a strong female character? Why?

AC: When I was a little girl I wanted dress up as Uma Thurman in “Batman and Robin”, I really love this outfit so when I grew up and learned more of Poison Ivy I just fell in love with the character.
I borrowed Birds of Prey comics from my friend Jillian so I decided make the costume of Poison Ivy.Poison is a character strong and very sexy,the history of Poison is amazing.
Andy: What do you think of Uma Thurman’s portrayal of the character in the movie “Batman Forever”?
AC: I remember Uma Thurman in “Batman and Robin”, I love this actress but I didn’t like the movie so much.
Andy: What cosplays have you not attempted yet, that you would love to try?
AC: I still have so many cosplays I wish to fulfill as for example Edea (Final Fantasy VIII) and I would love to have a Victorian dress to name a few. I would like too to make some armor, for example Leona (League of Legends)
Andy: What has been your favorite photo shoot you have done and why?
AC: My favorite photo shoot has been this year in Madrid (Spain) whit my friends Jillian,Clint and Victor. My friend Jillian and I were cosplaying as Birds of Prey characters (Poison Ivy and Black Canary).
The photo shoot was amazing because they’re great friends! Cosplaying with friends is very funny.
Andy: What conventions will you be at in 2013?
AC: I’ve been in the Expomanga (Madrid), Ficzone (Granada) and I want go to an anime and manga convention in Murcia (Spain)