Today we have our first couple cosplayers! I noticed them for their excellent Starfire and Redhood cosplays.
Check out there Facebook page here
Andy: What was the first Convention you attended, separately and together? What was your lasting impression of each of those Conventions?
Florencia (Jillian): The first one I attended was the Otaku expression in 2006 (Valencia). Two years later, Jonathan (Clint) attended his first event, which was Expomanga in Madrid. Our first event together was in 2010; we dress up as two X-factor characters with some simple costumes, but characters that we still keep on loving: Layla Miller and Jamie Madrox.
The latest event we have attended was the Expomanga of Madrid, which had an unpleasant atmosphere, so it didn’t leave us with a good taste in our mouths. Furthermore, we must say that we prefer events which are dedicated to comics rather than those focused on manga, and a month before we had attended Comic-Con in Barcelona, which was amazing, so while we were missing it, at the same time it worsen our impressions of the Expomanga.
Andy: What brought you two together? Why did you choose to do your cosplays as a team instead of as individuals?

Jonathan (Clint): We met three years ago. Florencia (Jillian) attended a Marvel role-playing meetup with some friends, that forum was mine so in this meetup we got to know each other, and then we discovered we both enjoyed a lot of things, such us photography.
We can say that 100% of the time we do our cosplays as a team, firstly because the cosplay is a hobby that we share with our friends, secondly because it was the main reason for which we meet most of our friends.
Florencia (Jillian) and I do cosplay in team with friends in almost every occasion; sometimes we are just 4 people, and others more than 10 of the same series, or each of what they like; that has never been an obstacle to enjoy cosplay together. Moreover, we usually prefer to act both together as a couple since we spent much time together, we help each other with everything and we have very similar tastes and discover characters that we both love and are connected in some way.
In short, we prefer to do cosplay in team for all the benefits that it gives, such us many more pictures, most beautiful things, and very many more entertainment.
Andy: Why do you feel that you bring as a team that other individual cosplayers don’t have?
C&J: We feel as anyone else in these events, what is more, if we see someone alone we usually invite him to join us for the next event, that’s how we have known most of our friends. Going on group gives us more complicity, more security and something that we enjoy together in the most healthy way; there is no competitiveness between us, and maybe that’s what makes us stronger, get help and support from our friends.
Andy: You two cosplayed as the Red Hood and Starfire? Can you talk about why you chose those two costumes? What do you two like about your specific characters? Florencia, what material did you use for the costume? Why did you decide to go with body paint?
Jonathan (Clint): Yeah, and today it is one of our favorites. It was really something on the fly; Florencia (Jillian) was the first to browse the comic (Red hood and the outlaws), then she counseled me and Vic (Arsenal) to read it, and if we like it, do cosplay group the next event. That’s when the bells rang, we all loved the show and the characters and their development, and we felt really identified with them. In several occasions we have been reading and watching cartoons discussions or situations that the three have starred (removing resurrections and crazy clowns involved, and my parents sleeping in the next room …. I think … I hope … xD).

In my case, we can see Red Hood as one of my favorite comic characters, I’ve always liked all the robins and their stories. I must admit that Jason was the last on my list, but when I met him in this series I delved more on the character and it became my favorite. He is a Robin very different from others, and a character that I love in all its aspects.
Florencia (Jillian): I agree with Jonathan’s (Clint) answer to the first questions. I mainly like Starfire because of her personality; she is a very strong woman and a great character (Jonathan: too much character …) I already had met her in the Titans, but it wasn’t until her reboot when I get fully acquainted with the character. When it comes time to make the suit, I decided to use spandex for those parts which look like cloth; then, to create the torso armor we used EVA (Ethylene Vinil Acetate) which later was covered with the same spandex.
Finally, to make the gems we create a new method using those balls for children. Referring to the body-paint, it is not something that bothers me, not when I decide to make this type of character. I try to embody it as best as I can, even if it means to end up a bit uncomfortable covered in paint.
Andy: Jonathan and Florencia, what have been your favorite cosplays you have done so far?
C&J: We both agree that our favorites are Red Hood and Starfire, and also the two we made of Clint Barton and Bobbi Morse (Hawkeye / Ronin & Mockingbird west coast/New avengers)
Andy: Florencia (Jillian) you did an interesting Speddy II, Mia Dearden ,where did you draw inspiration for the costume, if you made it? Why did you chose her to cosplay as?
Florencia (Jillian): I tried to play a Mia Dearden more adapted to the one that she would be with my age, since she is still a girl no older than 15 years. I stayed true to her suit Speddy II (the bracelets, boots without heels, yellow coat and its own symbol) and I am very happy with the result.

There are three reasons:
-It was a great joy to have again a young character (aside from Connor) on Green Arrow comics who took up again the freshness from the stage of Roy Harper’s youth.
-It seemed like a very risky bet, at the same time that a remarkable fact, that they decided to put, given her past and her youth, this character with something as serious as HIV.
-It is a creation from the magnificent and illustrious Kevin Smith, so how won’t I like her?
Andy: What are the next costumes you two plan to do together?
C&J: We already have several cosplays in mind for this year, as much from comic as much from video games, but if we have to highlight some of them, they would undoubtedly be those of Etrigan and Xanadu (New 52) and Hawkman and Hawkgirl, which will be by the end of the year.
Andy: You also have other friends on your Facebook fan page, Why?
C&J: Well, I think it’s clear that our friends are a great piece on this, so we love to share them on our fan page (more if they are in a group with us) so that people enjoy their work. We are very proud of all of them.
Andy: What Conventions will you be at in 2013?
C&J: We will assist as far as possible to those that persist in our city, those dedicated to comics and video games. Also in Valencia dedicated to this latter. For next year, we would love to attend an event outside of our country.