Ahh, the holidays are already nipping at our heels and you still don’t know what to buy for your cosplay loving friend (or son, or daughter, or cousin, or …etc. etc.). Well don’t worry because we have some gift ideas for you.
Worbla or Wonderflex
Thermoplastic has been a big item in the cosplay world for the past couple years and now that it’s becoming more widely available, a lot more people are starting to use it. CosplaySupplies.com carries both Worbla and Wonderflex in a variety of sizes. If your cosplay friend doesn’t know if they are interested in thermoplastic yet, why not get them a sample size? If your cosplay friend has thermoplastic but not the right tools to heat it up, try getting them a heat gun.
A Wig or Wig Gift Certificate
Wigs can be expensive and definitely add up, so if you know what wig your cosplay friend needs, getting them one would be a great idea. Don’t know the right color or length? No worries, wig sellers like Arda Wigs and Epic Cosplay offer gift certificates so your friend can pick out the exact one he or she wants.
Contact Lens Gift Certificate
Colored contacts are fun and can definitely add to a cosplay, but buying someone contacts isn’t probably the best idea unless you know their prescription and base curve. Thankfully, sites like Pinky Paradise offer Gift Certificates so your friend can pick out the exact color and exact prescription that works for them.
Joann (or other local sewing store) Gift Certificate
Giving your cosplay friend a Joann gift certificate is like giving them the jackpot. Once they see it, they’ll start day dreaming about all the fabric they could buy. Oh! Or more sewing patterns, or that weird curtain trim that they really need, or some more bias tape, or puffy paint, or…
Stocking Stuffers
Thread– You can never have enough thread, so including some “basic” thread colors like black, white, red and blue will be a great addition to a stocking.
Contact Solution or Contact Lens Case
– If you know your cosplaying friend will be getting a contact lens gift certificate, why not help them out with the basics?
Rotary Cutter– Hoo baby, I love these things. They make cutting patterns SO much easier!
(For Females or Crossplayers) False Lashes– I will never shut up about how much false lashes add to a cosplay, especially in photographs.