Today we have Queen Deadpool herself, Ms Luna, her version of the Crimson Cowl rocks, and is well deserving of attention
Find her Facebook here
Andy: What was the first Convention you attended? What was a lasting memory from that Convention?
Ms Luna Cosplay: It was Megacon in America in 2012, and I definitely caught the cosplay bug! Originally my friend took me to take pictures cos I’m a photographer and I just fell in love with it and started to go to conventions when I got back to England.
A: What costume or character did you see that made you decide to start cosplaying?
ML: The Assassin creed cosplays started me off, I based my first cosplay my Zombie Assassin on them.
A: A lot of cosplayers tend to work till the last minute on costumes, does this describe you, if so why?
ML: Sometimes I’m really prepared for conventions and sometimes I’m not. Most of the time I rushing round because I’ve normally lost a piece of my outfit and I can’t figure out were I’ve put it, LOL.

A: You caught my eye for your Crimson Cowl, what was it about this character that made you cosplay as him/her? What can you tell us about how bad a#@ the Crimson Cowl is?
ML: Crimson cowl is an old thunderbolts villain, she’s not very well known as she’s one of the d-list villains. Playing on the Marvel alliance game on Facebook she was one of the villains on there, and her outfit really caught my eye. Took me a few goes to get the outfit to look how I wanted, but I’m so pleased with how it turned out, I just wish more people knew who the character was, people keep asking me if I’m Spider-man at conventions.
A: You have also cosplayed as Kitana from the MK series, When did you get into the series? There are a lot of female fighters in the MK series, what made you choose Kitana?
ML: I have only played the recent MK, as when I was a kid my dad didn’t think games consoles were worth buying as he was die hard computer fan. So I missed out on a lot of the life changing games most people did. But when it came out on xbox 360, finally got the chance to play it, and I fell in love, then I realized I sucked at fighting games.
I am a serious gamer and I can play any sort of game, except fighting ones. No idea why I just sucks. But I love the look of Kitana, I did think about Mileena, because pink is my favorite color, but I wanted to try something different and now Kitana is one of my favorite cosplays.

A:There are a lot of Deadpool cosplayers out there, in fact, I think there is usually one per convention, what makes him such a popular character? What sets apart your deadpool from other deadpool cosplayers?
ML: Because I am Queen Deadpool! I sort of created my own version of deadpool, there was some drunken times at expo in may where I stole a kid lokis crown, got very drunk and paraded round the bar exclaiming I was queen deadpool, and it kinda stuck, I have planned at some point to find a king deadpool and deadpool subjects and make a spoof of a medieval court. It’s going to be interesting.
A: Can you describe the feeling when you walk out on the convention floor and everyone wants your picture?
ML: Personally I love it, its such a confidence boost for me. There are certain things that I worry about, especially over touchy punters. But I’ve never had to much of a problem.
A: What Conventions will you be at for the rest of this year?
ML: Going to be at Winter LFCC and hopefully expo. Hopefully plan to go to a few more in November, but let’s get the big too out the way first. Hopefully I will see people there.